Life with distemper

We still wonder what kind of update to make and how to keep you informed, without making you feel as desperate as we are…

We lost 16 puppies, aged between 1 and 2,5 months. Yesterday 2 more were tested positive. Only one adult dog is sick, but his chances for survival are much bigger than the ones for the puppies. The three dogs we are treating now are vaccinated, most of the ones who passed away were vaccinated as well. Unfortunately, the virus seems to be stronger than vaccines…

We checked all dogs, adopted from us lately. Unfortunately, there is one sick puppy. Her owners and our vets fight for her life.

The dogs who came back from the road are all fine and healthy.

Grandpa Rick is the unhappiest dog ever – he is now closed in a cage (you know that the fact he is 19 years old gave him the privillege to live in the office) with other oldies, but he doesn’t want to enter the doghouse and stays out even when it rains.

Buzanka suffers as well – she is the cleanest dog ever, and the fact she doesn’t go out for her naturalal needs makes her so unhappy – she spent the first day of the quarantine trying so hard to keep her cage clean. When she finally peed in her cage, she looked so guilty and unhappy, it was heartbreaking.

Paspartu will soon go crazy – he is used to daily long walks in the fields outside the shelter with his ex-foster mom, that now he feels betrayed.

Meanwhile, people still come to leave dogs at the shelter and leave really angry, when we do not take them. A policeman came on Saturday to abandon his young and beautiful husky boy and threatened us he will leave the dog on the road. The reason he couldn’t keep it any more – the dog have made several seizures and they were so upset, they couldn’t sleep…We don’t know what happened next, but it eats us…

Dear volunteers, the dogs missed you really very, very much. The whole weekend they were upset and waited for you. When noone came, they become nervous and howled all nights…

We want to thank you for your support – a lot of people called us just to let us know we are not alone in this disaster and to ask if we need anything. We have everything needed, we now only need your fingers crossed for all this to end soon… 



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