Yesterday we lost one more puppy. The other sick ones are stable, we are quite optimistic about them. There are no new cases for the last two days. We thought we’ll manage this without begging for help, but all we had aside is over. The treatment of the sick ones is not finished yet and we really need to continue it, as well as the protection (stimulators for the immune system, vitamins etc) for the ones in contact.
Therefore we decided to introduce you our patients and hope you’ll be able to help them.
Unfortunately, you should know that even with all medicines we want to buy, there is no guarantee that they will survive.
The teddies:
The teddies suffer the respiratory form of distemper. They are 2,5 months old, abandoned in front of the shelter couple of weeks ago.
The roadrunner:
She was hit by a car (you still can see the injuries) and cought from our team after a Hollywood type action. She suffers the gastrointestinal form.
She is with us because of her skin desease. Young and joyful. Or at least, she was joyful, before the distemper. She suffers the respiratory form. So does Marko, from the next photo. He was kicked severely and has broken pelvis. If he survives the distemper, orthopedic operation is waiting for him.
Marko, 6 months old:
The Cop is 8-9 mnths old. He was hit by a car and has a broken leg. He suffers the worst form of distemper, the nervous one, we are sorry to say his chances to survive are the smallest:
Roxy and Arda are two young ladies, aged 3,5-4 month. They are getting treatment in Nadia and Svetlio’s foster home and are the only lucky ones who can go out in the yard and get some sunshine. They both have the gastrointestinal form.
To continue their treatment (immune stimulators, antibiotics, vitamins A and B-complex, Recoperation) and the immune stimulation of the ones in contact (there are 8 of them) we will need about 800 levs more. We already have spent all we had and at the moment – do not have so much money more…
Please, help us fighting for their lives!
Click here if you want to donate for them!
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