Edgar, Sig and Magellan are three uniquely good kittens. They were born April 2012 and have a most amazing jolly presence, a great attitude to life and huge hearts! The boys are not yet 5 months old, but already have all their vaccines, they are neutered, microchipped, dewormed have passports and perfect hygiene.
All three of them are amazingly social and friendly – the people who come to their fosters’ place are always very surprised to see them, it is said they act like dogs. No wonder! They are living with two huge poodles who teach them important stuff. Their fosters also have a 5-year old son, so these 3 guys have a huge friend to play with. All in all – these are PURRfect cats!
Magelan is always first. He must see and check out everything new and interesting. Reaching into a drawer? Before you know it Magellan will already be in there with you. He just can’t help himself, he is sooo curious! He is also very cuddly and alyas ready to play, friendly and well-behaved.
Mr Sig may look a bit chinese in this photo, but is actually very handsome and well-looking. He is the ultimate good guy. And also he is a bit of a loser in the pack – he is always last to grasp the new stuff and his brothers use him as a cusion. He doesn’t mind at all, he loves it! If he is not cuddling with them, he will follow his fosters around the house purring and gently touching them with his paw, begging for some hugs. He is irresistable!
Now here is someone very special! The smartest, quickest, bravest and most unusual cat! He is so kind and sweet and in the same time – stable and dignified. The only thing he differs from his brothers greatly is that he gets worried when you lift him up, so his cuddles are very funny: he would make small ambushes around the house for you – throwing himself on the floor infron of you just to get belly rubs and pets. He will also always follow you to the toilet and shower, noone knows why, but he simply MUST be there, haha!
They reallya re wonderful little boys!
They were born in a first-floor appartment – a stray cat found her way in and gave birth there.
Here they are with their mommy:
Mommy was neutered and returned back to the street. The other two girls were rehomed.