URGENT: Foster home for kittens

The babies have found their loving foster mommy!
Thank you, Elena Topliyska  ♥

These three angels were dumped in a box near the shelter. They were absolutely terrified at first, but after figuring out we would not harm them, they turned out to be cuddley and sweet.

Our shelter is not for cats – they now have been placed in a small cage in the warehouse along with many dogs. Lonely and confused, the babies don’t feel well here.

We need fosters for these wonderful cats. People who would care for them until they are vaccinated and ready for adoption. They are clean and dewormed.

If you want to foster one, two or all of the kittens, please contact us at 0879 022 675 (please, call back if noone is picking up, we don’t have a secretary and are not constantly by the phone).


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