Happiness for Raven too!

They say a person has no right to have “a favorite child”. We agree.

But, when you are working in a place with so many dogs. And when you’ve seen those dogs in their toughest moments – before you realize – you have your set of favorite creatures behind the bars. Those are the dogs you go see first when you’ve arrived at work. Their eyes will sting you in the back when you walk away from the cage. The boys and girls with the saddest stories or/and the best behaviors…

Raven.2 Raven

Raven was an owned dog – someone had dumped her in the street very pregnant. She came to us for an emergency neutering – we had to interfere before 5-7 more doomed waifs were born. D-r Stankova neutered her, she quickly recovered and without any ado Raven became a part of the dog family in the large dog building.

Raven got her name from her biggest admirerer – senior volunteer Vicky Mincheva. As a “favorite dog” Raven received extra walks, hugs and treats from Vicky, but… nothing could change her destiny. The good girl spent over a year in the shelter without a single inquiry. She became a great friend to Bozhka – a cheerful 3-legged creature who could bear all the weight of the world with a smile.

Raven became 3-years old, got used to the life in the shelter, was not chosen by any of the foreign partners we work with and things started to look rather hopeless… Just in time – Radostina Nesheva stepped into Raven’s life. Infallibly, she recognized her dog and made the wise decision. Raven is already at home with her, in her own house with a yard! Now the loyal girl can finally give all the love she had been saving all those long months in the cage… Farewell, dearest!


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