The amazing walkers’ donation through Walk2Help and VIVACOM!

Ten thousand (10 000!) kilometers were walked by three hundred and seventeen (317!) people during the last month for the points of the Walk2Help and VIVACOM campaign!!!

Only a few weeks later, the walker’s success has been turned into actual help for the 500 dogs of the Bogrov shelter!

The cause sponsors – our friends at VIVACOM – have sent us the promised help and we have purchased poly-vaccines and a much needed de-wormer.

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It will probably seem funny to you if you could see how the process goes when so many animals are involved. In real life – the procedure is quite complicated. It is a task that falls on tiny d-r Ilieva – the general doctor at the shelter.

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We thank you, dear friends, for continuously caring for the shelter dogs! Your generosity, kindness and persistence have kept this little dog oasis running in the last 3 years.

From your 500 admirers here – a huge wish for your happiness! It is a wish that we know will be granted, because the people who give will be the ones receiving, and when the gift is kindness – it always comes back double!


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