Blind Rex


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Don’t be frightened. Rex is only scary on the outside. Inside – he is soft and gentle, loving and lovable. He just doesn’t have eyes.

For 4 years Rex was the faithful guardian of his owners’ yard. 4 years he was running around them happy and faithful. 4 years he looked up to them and followed their every move. And on the 5-th, he began to go blind. Slowly and painfully he began to lose his eyesight. Both of his retinas got unstuck and from blurry light, his life became a blurry fog until the day his world got covered in darkness, full of obstacles.

So what, he thought, I know my own yard as well as my four paws – I will be useful to them even blind. After all – I still have my faithful ears and perfect nose – I will continue to care for my people, I love them.

This is what Rex thought, waving his tail anytime he heard his masters’ voices. And how happy he was when he got into the car – hurray, a walk! Yes, Rex, a walk… but it was one of those walks when a person and a dog leave the house and only the human returns, the scariest of walks.

There are all sorts of people in the word… But Rex – he is unique. In his prime, he has no idea of giving up hope and we are the last people who would have him think otherwise. Unlike people, blind animals are usually quite adapted and can live a normal life, as long as they have a good human friend to help them in the difficult moments.

Rex doesn’t have eyes anymore. He only has his heart to see with now. And it is a warm one: strong and friendly, untouched by human cruelty.

Contact us if you would like to offer a foster home for Rex. He is already learning how to cope and will do great if he could get some personal assistance – he is a fast learner!

DONATE for Rex if you have any opportunity, even a small sum is of great help for the shelter clinic.

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