Her name at the shelter was Lea. A little lady we admitted after we received a signal for an abandoned pet with a broken leg. To our surprise – the leg was not broken, the problem turned out to be neurological and was well affected with adequate physiotherapy.
The people who brought Lea to us put up ads all around the park. And the miracle happened! It turned out that Belka is not dumped, but lost! She was living at a parking lot where she was welcome until one day she was badly bitten by another dog. Lea’s condition was very bad, so a kind lady – Simona Stoyanova decided to take her home. Unfortunately – some time later when the two were out for a walk – Lea was attacked by a dog again and ran away terrified.
Now Lea is back with Simina and wares her real name again – Belka. She is now microchipped and will continue her physiotherapy at home. Congratulations!