Before and After: Scooby and Oleg

We offer you a quick glimpse into the past and present of two good lads that you have helped greatly– granddad Oleg and the little bald dog from the center of the city – Scooby.

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Unrecognizable – that is the only word that comes to mind about Scooby today! Not only in appearance, but also in his initially feisty character of which there is not a single trace left – he is one of the sweetest dogs at the shelter. We cannot think of the amount of suffering he has been through in order to become so desperate and try to bite. The good news is that we were able to “rewind” his destiny and he is simply radiant! We hope he is lucky to go home soon, with good people this time.

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With Oleg, unfortunately, rewinding is out of the question – the years have piled up for him, he will never look like a baby again. But we are proud of his eyes, the way they look at us now… They are the eyes of a happy, clam, self-confidant dog – just as it should be for any dog of our national breed!


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