Austrian miracles

Special thanks to our friend Sandra Stibi of Stibi’s Hundeparadies who continues to work for the Sofia street dogs.
THANK YOU SANDRA, and thanks to all your tireless mates: for the hundreds of dogs you helped find love; for the kindness and proffesionalsm; for the food you have raised for 500 hungry mouths at the shelter!


ONE TON (1000kg) of food were brought to the shelter on the way back from Stibi’s Hundeparadies!
Excellent food that will add some quality to the cheap food we are buying, good kibble to feed to the little puppies and provide them with a healthy upbringing.

There were 13 lucky dogs on this journey! Most of them are little ones from the Vivacom Puppygarten, tiny unwanted souls that would become big unwanted dogs if it was not this amazing chance to meet the people who would love them in Austria.

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These lucky fellows will never know the loneliness and sadness of shelter life! The little pups will “learn to talk” in German and will never know what a horrid life they escaped from when they were taken to the Bogrov shelter.

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As you have probably guessed – these too are “cardboard box puppies”. They are the babies of fertile females used as guard dogs in yards of homes, factories and warehouses. Raised by their mothers to a certain age, these puppies are taken away by people who dump them in a remote area. Every year, thousands of puppies meet this destiny on the streets of Sofia, and very few of them are lucky to survive.

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Bizarrely, this manner of dog abandonment is actually a sign that people are learning to be kind to their guard-dogs. Only 20 years ago these same puppies (or kittens) would have been drowned at birth. Today most people chose to abandon them when the mother stops nursing them. Sadly, few of them understand that this can be even more inhumane than the drowning alternative.

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Another Austrian is our cheerful lady – Foxy. The good girl was supposed to come only for neutering, but remained at the shelter. Thanks to her lovely blue gaze she managed to quickly grab the attention and go off to her cozy new home, far from the unwelcoming streets of Sofia.


Yashka looks a lot like Katya, she is also a lot like her in character. Sweet, gentle, tender, loving – just a lovely little dog. We picked her up ourselves – someone had dumped her with a very serious Cherry Eye condition and she needed help quickly. We treated the infection, D-r Stankova operated her and the little lady was ready for her new life in Austria!

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The tiny Chihi didn’t have to wait long with the other pea-dogs at cage 8 and is already in the loving hands of her new people in Austria. 5-year old Chihuahua mix was dumped from a car in the outskirts of Sofia – thank God she came to us quickly, dogs like her don’t survive outside more than a few hours…

Our thanks and heartily regards to our friends in Austria! We are sure that the new four-legged Austrians will behave their best and become the most wonderful animals!

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