ARSofia RELOAD Party!

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E 895 were raised for the dogs and cats of the Bogrov shelter by the 111 guests on Saturday’s ARS- reload party! Thank you for joining us – it was a real treat seeing you and speaking to you in this fun and relaxed environment, after so many months of work-only meetings with so many poor creatures to help out.

The fabulous amount you raised was enough for us to make this Monday’s medication order for 2 weeks ahead; also cover the bill we already had for Spay&Neuter materials and order a new batch that should last the first 10 days of July! We wish for your health and happiness, may you be as lucky and blessed as the animals you are helping find care, shelter, a family and love.

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The little cat on the last photo was dumped at the venue a while ago, he is looking for a home and is a ve-e-ery sweet character

We thank all the kind people who brought stuff for a charity sale. A big hug for the volunteers and staff-members who “sacrificed” for the organizational duties whilst all the rest of us had fun in the spitting contest or just blabbering on with friends with a beer in hand.

See you soon! We will be organizing a meeting again when everyone is back in the city – in the autumn, meanwhile – see you in the shelter!!!

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Kremmy Ivanova made all the colleagues fun t-shirts for our 3-rd annivercary!

We all have our orange outfit with our shelter nickname on the back! 

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5000 neutered.
2000 rehomed.
3 years of ARS.
1270 days of work at Bogrov.

Long enough time to get tired and dull. Yes… If it weren’t for Danny Vassileva and USMIVKA children’s center, it would have been half a year without a party in 2013.


We haven’t seen you for such a long time, friends! And so many exciting things have happened – we have achieved so much together! Yes, there is loads to talk about. Also, the shelters’ contract runs out at the end of this year – changes are ahead of us that will require all our energy and wits… Definitely a lot to talk about!

  • We will be meeting at our traditional venue – the diner with a garden on James Bourchier blvd 23.
  • The date is June 22, the longest day of the year – 15h and 19 min.
  • The party starts at 17. As usual there is a “ticket” of BGN 10.
  • Our t-shirts will be there as well!

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Dear friends, you are invited to a charity party!



The party starts at 5 p.m.

Sofia 1164, James Bourchier 23 blvd

See photos from a previous event at the same venue HERE.
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