A lot of the dogs in Bogrov were named because of their story or their character. For example one of the dogs was named Tashunko (in Bulgarian the name comes from the word testis) because he was shot in the testes and went through a long recovery, or we have Bozhka (in Bulgarian the name comes from how we call firebugs – God’s cows) who is like a sweet firebug only with tail and ears. So now we represent to you Ador – from the English word adorable which means charming, delightful. I think that everybody who meets this wonderful boy will understand why we named him like this.
Dogs, like people, also have their own personality and different characterizations. You can find dogs that are playful or timid, obedient or mischievous, friendly or not very sociable, dominant or obeying. I guess you wonder what is Ador like – well, he is the most humble dog I have ever seen. He’s perfect on a lead, always walking right next to you and if for a reason Ador out walks you; he stops, turns around and waits until you catch up. He loves human caress but he’s not from the kind of dogs that will bother you in some way because of that. He’ll stay next to you and if you decide to give him the so wanted caress he’ll take it with open arms. And during all that time Ador is always wagging his little tail – makes me wonder how he hasn’t disjoint it yet : ) I have noticed that if some dog quarrels with him when in the cage Ador momentarily shows his obedience by laying down, putting back his ears and gets that face expression which says: “please, don’t hurt me, I’ll be good”. 1.5 years old. Neutered and vaccinated.
At the moment you can find Ador at the shelter’s clinic at the way you see him on the second picture. Obviously his cute little face doesn’t have the same effect on others dogs as it has on humans. Soon his fur will grow and you’ll be able to see him in all his beauty.
Is there someone looking for such a gentle, dedicated and absolutely one of a kind soul to warm your sofa and makes the air in your home circulate with his always wagging tail!?