Sirius, the wonderful husky we found wandering in Nadezhda district a long time ago has a new home finally! He was just a fluffy bag of bones when we took him in, no muscles on his legs and body – those are signs of life on a chain. Sirius wasn’t shocked with the shelter concept at all, on the contrary, it was a relief to him and he was one of the dogs that kind of liked living here. Unfortunately, when there are so many dogs in one place – accidents happen. And Sirius was badly bitten by his roommates last month, leaving him in the clinic for quite a while.
Sirius is now shining in the life of Mirolava Dermenjieva and Antonio Stefanov! We wish them many happy years together!
Jessy – yet another black-and-tan dumped baby with a nano-chance of being adopted, went home with Todor Chouchoukov and Elena Dimitrova!
We thank the kind-hearted couple for giving a chance to this little peanut that can easily go un-noticed in the Puppygarten crowd. Sadly, there are many dogs of this color in our shelter and for some reason they are hard to rehome, maybe it is because they are mostly black… we don’t know. Neither do they, the poor little souls, who would tell them all about humans and colors whilst they grew fast in their mother’s belly, who would explain to them they’d end up in the trash, no matter how good they are… But all is well when it ends well and Jessy will live in the collective dream all of our 500 dogs see each night they close their eyes.
Sivcho’s story was first very touching, then quite crazy and in the end – absolutely hopeless. The good boy, who came to us after he met a care that tore him in pieces was claimed to be a favorite in the neighborhood, he was supposed to have caring friends to help with his bills and adopt him when he is healed. As you can guess – none of that happened. Neither did his miraculous healing – the poor guy has been fixed and repaired, repaired and fixed so many times we hardly knew if we were torturing him or it was the other way around…
A dog of his interface, age and medical history – is an unwanted dog even if it was the canine Gandhi. Our partners abroad are reluctant to take operated dogs from us, because they don’t trust our doctors and “cripples” or what we call – special animals are scarcely adopted locally. So we just accepted the fact that there is a Sivcho in this world and he belongs to… us.
At this point it has become perfectly clear to you that a miracle has taken place. It is actually a double miracle, walks on two legs, but its main characteristic is the fact that our miracle has not one, but two huge hearts! Their names are Nathaly Persoons and Jean-Luc Beirlant! Do you remember them? They are the wonderful family who adopted and gave the most wonderful home to two of our babies: funny little Rex and Molly, whom they met in the quarantines when they came for Rex. Nathaly and Jean-Luc were shocked to find Sivcho at the shelter again and when they found out his story – they decided it’s about time someone started to really love Sivcho and took him home!
As if this is not miracle enough and because they are: 1.kind; 2.compassionate; 3.caring; Lady Luck decided to test her powers on Nathaly and Jean-Luc and threw one more of our dogs on their path. Bear.
Bear came to the shelter in the form of a very friendly bloody goo – he was a tiny puppy with a shocking case of mange. He stayed with us long, he became a stunning dog and found a lovely family that treated him kindly for a whole year. But… most unexpectedly – his people brought Bear to the shelter and said they can no longer care for him. What a mystery! Four days later the mystery has been uncovered! He came back to the shelter just in time for Nathalie’s and Jean-Luc’s visit!!! HURRAY!!!