A Happy New Beginning in 2014!

A few hours remain till the beginning of 2014. We greet it full of optimism, enthusiasm and a hope for a better future. At the dawn of the New Year we take a last look back – to all that has happened in the last year, to the spectacular change this one brought us in its final months.

In the many events that filled our year there is one that completely overshadows everything else- our new shelter, our Farm is now a fact! We now have our own place under the sun – a place for all those homeless souls we have not yet been able to help. From today and forever on, we all – humans and animals – are permanent inhabitants of the Farm. The last working day of the year was also the day of our last “goodbye” to the Bogrov shelter – the place that helped us connect with you…

Allow us to take you for a little nostalgic, but more optimistic photo-walk-through of our last days in 2013, so we can close the door behind us together and continue on with an even stronger speed toward our truly humane, professional, non-governmental, European shelter for the homeless animals of our city.

Bogrov Shelter 2010-2013

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Three long years have we worked in the shelter. 2500 left it to go to warm, loving families. 5 700 were neutered. The people who worked alongside us in this quest know the amount of love, care, sleepless nights each 1 in these large numbers have cost us.

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And so, the time came to take a last look about the place where we worked over the last 1000 days. Without the shelter team, the volunteers and the dogs these are just a few rooms in two buildings and only we – the people who did their best so that this place to run – know what it caused to be ran properly…

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This place has seen its equal share of happiness and grief. We left it with no regrets, knowing that the time has come for something better; the time came for us to move on to the Farm!

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The Farm & The Franziska Clinic 2014-Forever

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We are now in our permanent home – the Farm! It became a fact of life with the efforts of thousands, really thousands of people in Bulgaria and all over the world – accomplished by all of us, it is our Grand Miracle, our tool to save thousands of lives, our proof that Bulgaria is yet to experience the Big Change – chosen and fulfilled by the people, not by the institutions of our little country.

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It will take time to turn the Farm into a shelter, but the process has already begun. Join HERE if you would like to take part in the reconstructions at our new shelter. Many things need to happen yet, so the Farm becomes the place we dreamed of, but we have all proven that we do not wait for the apples to fall into our mouths, we know how to work to achieve our dreams.

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Much work is still ahead of us whilst we reconstruct and register the shelter and clinic, before we begin working full steam again, before we begin to admit, heal and re-home animals again. The Bright Future is out there for us and we cannot wait to arrive there with you, dear friends!



Check out LINK-1 and LINK-2 to see more photos of the work in progress 🙂

Happy New Year!

To all of you who are saving Life, to all you People With Big Hearts, to every person who has contributed to another’s happiness even by little, we say:

Let 2014 be filled with joy and advancement!
Let the new year bring you true happiness and satisfaction in life!
Let there be more light to shine your way when hardships come!
Let us stand strong together in the fight of a better and more civilized future of Bulgaria!

We wish you a wonderful New Year’s eve, dear friends!
Together we hug our silent, loyal friends with a promise – to work even harder for their happiness in 2014!


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