A cry for help: Rayna

Close your eyes! Remember! Remember the human, the shotgun, the horror, the pain! Be afraid! Run! Survive!
Rayna. Shot in the face with a shotgun. Horrible pain, caused by a human being. A postponed death in agony…

When we met Rayna for a first time, she was petrified by fear of humans. For her any human was the monster with the shotgun, the ogre from Opitzvet village.


Close your eyes! Remember! Remember the human, the caring hands, the love. Enjoy! Love! Live!

It is again Rayna’s life, but here, in The Farm. Her entire body is filled with love and joy and her tale never stops wagging.

We already told you the story of Rayna before. It sounds unbelievable, doesn’t it? To survive with such a wound, in such a pain, with severe infection; without an upper jaw, without any hope. And yet… there is hope. And this hope is in our hands – mine, yours, hers…

To live a normal life, Rayna cannot stay like that – there are too many infections with an open wound like that. After long discussions, X-rays, scanner, Dr Vladislav Zlatinov has an idea – bold and innovative, and also – expensive.
But an idea, that is Rayna’s only hope.

Dr Zlatinov would try to do the impossible – titanium implants grafting, blood-supplied bone grafts from fragments of the lower jaw, which will replace the upper jaw and will not only prevent the constant infections she is having but will also help her breath and eat normally. The whole procedure is a precedent in the veterinary medicine and can only be compared to important achievements in a very progressive humane medicine.
The price of the titanium implants and the surgery is too much for us – about  1000 – 1500 Bulgarian levs (500 – 750 euro).

We can’t help her alone. Could you help us help her?

If you want to be part of Rayna’s only hope, you may donate at:

Via bank transfer:

FIBank; 37 Dragan Tzankov blvd, Sofia, BG; SWIFT: FINV BG SF
IBAN BGN: BG07FINV91501215999954; IBAN EUR: BG50FINV91501215999956

BENEFICIARY: A R Sofia Foundation; 23 James Bourchier blvd, Sofia, BG

PayPal: donations@arsofia.com
еРау: 2326683315
Or at spot in http://centralvetclinic.com/
Thank you!

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