11.05 A tragic incident in Bogrov

Today one of the 14 adults in cage №4 was killed by it’s inmates in a manner of minutes. The dogs were fed and had access to the outside yard. No aggression has occurred previously in the group and the incident is shocking. The only explanation that can be found to this horrible tragedy, as the dogs in the group have lived peacefully together for months is: overcrowding.

At the time of the incident cage  №4 was only “half-full” according to the current nomenclature that provides every sheltered dog with 1.5 square meters per dog inside and 2 square meters in the outside enclosures. By these same standards stated in Regulation 41 issued by the Ministry of Agriculture on December 10, 2008 (in Bulgarian only) cage №4 should contain over 20 animals.

According to the current permits for the Bogrov shelter, issued by the Regional Veterinary Service, it should house 500 dogs permanently. Animal Rescue Sofia continues it’s efforts to diminish this number.

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