Yummy presents

7 small and 2 large packs of food were received as a gift by the Bogrov pack from the students of the American college in Sofia! All in all – 50 kilograms of kibble will be munched down in no time.
We thank the kind staff and the students at the college for being there for the animals!

Real meat! That was the treat our puppies got from the chefs at the American Embassy in Sofia. We are very grateful that they thought of the doggies before trashing the expired packets of perfectly good meats.

Now, we have made a special pot where we boil the meat for the smallest puppies and the results are already visible. All full, shiny and happy, the babies in the quarantine and Puppygarten are having a blast with the new menu.

We greatly appreciate the help!
The shelter is always in need of food. If you would like to help – please, contact us!

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