We informed you previously about the bid for Kremikovtzi – the plant where we help 300 dogs survive – feeding them, because they have no food resource. We had trouble with our access to the plant for a week, but then were permitted to contiunue our work. The new management will take over in a month or two, meanwhile we will be helping the dogs as before. To help us help them, donate for the dogs of Kremikovtzi.
Here are some photos for you from one of last weeks visits, we received a generous anonimous donation – a tonne of grinded fresh meat. As we had no way of storing it for the dogs of the shelter, we separated a small ammount to give the shelter dogs deworming pills in (works fantasticly!) and everything else was fed to the poor dogs of Kremikovtzi. It was FEAST, you can not imagine how it looks when dogs so used to starvation suddenly receive their dream meal! See for yourself and feel sorry for Vessy and Peter, it was a really huge messy task: