Who’s that cat?

Do you know who’s that cat? No?
Ok, not a problem – we don’t know either. Our photographer – the wonderful volunteer from Stardust Pictures – Ivanka, has found these photos in her archive from December.

And at that period we had not one, not two, but three white cats, patients in the clinic.

We couldn’t agree on the quiestion which one of the three cats is this one, but the reason to tell you a little bit about some cats’ diseases stayed.

This could be the cat Galka, treated in our clinic for mycoplasma felis. This disease can cause mucopurulent conjunctivitis and a mild upper respiratory infection, with clinical signs and lesions overlapping those seen with chlamydiosis, FVR, and FCR infections.

If this is Galka, she was completely healed, castrated and returned in her colony.

The second white cat, which is a possible photomodel here, is Krastan. Krastan came in extremely bad condition – he had feline immunodeficiency virus, giardia and teeth infections. Like AIDS in people, FIV is also transmitted through blood (mainly through deep bite wounds) and sexual contacts. FIV is widespread throughout the stray cats colonies in Sofia. FIV is only transmitted from cat to cat and is not any danger for humans.
Unfortunately, it was too late to help Krastan and he passed away.

The third possibility is Belcho. He came with heavy anemia, caused by the many parasites. After proper deworming and few days of infusions, Belcho recovered fast and was returned in his colony. Like all cats we treat and release back, Belcho was also neutered.

“The Farm” is a dog shelter and we rarely have the possibility to keep the cats we treated and look for adopters. If you want us to help us more cats, you may become a foster – write us at office@arsofia.com to give you more information.

Photo credit: Ivanka Patterson for  Stardust Pictures

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