Do you remember Neverland – the one from the story of Peter Pan and his band of The Lost Boys? A magic land with fairies, pirates, and wild animals, a land where everyone can fly, the children go through amazing adventures and never grew old. Why do I ask? Because I’m going to present to you a similar group of 7 amazing dogs who never forget the child insight them and don’t want to grow up, just like in Neverland. These are the dogs from our band of Lost Boys and Girls:
The one with whom we can start our story is Peter Pan. The one we have in the shelter is an absolute trouble in the good way. He is very active dog always looking for someone to tease or play with. He came to us as a tiny baby but today he is one grown up cheerful dog. He adores being paid attention but who doesn’t 😉 Born January 2011, neutered and vaccinated.
Wendy is beautiful and kind young lady. She loves attention, to be cuddled and caressed. She is very gentle with other dogs just like a real Wendy. Born February 2011, neutered and vaccinated.
Lucky is incredibly sweet creature. He is not only very delicate but also kind, calm and very gentle. A real dream-dog. He enjoys human attention and has a big kind heart. Born on 04.03.2012, neutered and vaccinated.
Nibs is just as active, vivid and energetic as Tootles. And behind all the rest he adores being center of attention. Born on 07.04.2012, neutered and vaccinated.
Curly is very social dog. He is with us from a little baby and has learned to love people and to enjoy their presence and attention. He is clam and cheerful dog. Born 10.01.2012, neutered and vaccinated.