Poor Lola, she has such a hard life since she was adopted from the Bogrov shelter… She has to wake up every morning, go for walks and even fetch a ball…
As if all the suffering wasn’t enough, she now has a brother too. Poor Lola, instead fo being alone all day, she has another poor dog to be miserable with… Oh, how sad, how very sad…
Those poor dogs Karaman, Boil and Dora – sent to be skinned alive/sold to laboratories in a most horrible foreign country – Holland.
The monstrous fosters are forcing them to play all day long, and even worse – they brush them, teach them to walk on a lead and shake a paw… Oooh, those poor creatures, will there be no end to their suffering?
And what about poor Boyko? After he was poisoned in the street now he must face an even scarier destiny – a family with a child, who can’t stop torturing him with their love and attention.
Oh, the poor, poor fellow, how will he stand all that love, treats and games? We don’t know. But we hope he is strong, because these scary people have decided to torture him in the same way all their lives…
And what about Max? Poorest Max – instead of living his life in the streets of Sofia he is now forced to endure a life in Holland where very day he is walked and hugged.
Poor Max must go through regular play sessions with children. And a rabbit!? Oh, the horror… No, there is no end to the sadness of these poor, poor dogs…
Yes, they are very sad. But the saddest of all must be our blind kitten Nina. The poor creature must endure daily massage and play sessions and is not even allowed to fall off the stairs. Her new owner has made a soft cushioning and now she can’t hit her hear anymore, the poor girl…
Oh, the grief of her life, oh, the sadness and despair. Was it not enough to be blind, that Nina had to face such a life in her permanent home…