They call me Mr Buch

Buch is a 5-year-old, 60 kg male SouthEastern Shepherd dog. He is a massive, beautiful boy and was brought to us last week after his owners obandoned him, because he had “menge”. What they classified as menge was an allergic dermatitis to all the fleas he had, but still – here he is in the shelter of Bogrov, unwanted and wandering what will be from now on.

Since he is such a giant fellow, we decided not to put him with the other dogs – he’s always lived in his own setting and we considered not to risk anyones health in experiments. He now occupies one of the outside enclosures, which actually is not so great, as we could house a mother with puppies there and he is taking their space.

Buch has to be walked 3 times a day, he is getting treament for his dermatitis, he is waiting for his Neuter operation next week and after all this – will be vaccinated accordingly.  Butch is looking for a new home, of course… It would be great if this noble fellow found a place to enjoy his life, he doesn’t belong on a chain…

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