The Farm exists and works without any support from the government, the EU or large international organizations. The people who help us do it by their own will, with an effort, with love and care for the homeless animals. We thank you for saving innocent lives each and every day by your generosity! Here are the wonderful gifts our animals received from their unusual and special friends throughout the last month:
The food from Pets&U
With your great help and thanks to the wonderful people at PETS&U once again – we managed to buy most of the dogs’ food without spending additional money from the little we have.
As you know, every month PETS&U donates 5% of the price of each bag of dog or cat food purchased at the store to the hungry throats in our care! With the funds donated we buy wholesale food for the Farmers and thus – whilst you are feeding your own pets, you are also feeding the homeless dogs.
We thank you for shopping your pets’ food at the two PETS&U stores – the one by the Hemus Hotel – 25A Cherni vrah blvd; the other by Vitoshka str – 35 Neofit Rilski str. Thanks to you the dogs at the Farm never go hungry! In both stores you can find our (very cool) cups and t-shirts which are sold 100% in benefit of the shelter. Greetings to everyone helping us out in this way!
Julia and Maya’s fresh lemonade
Julia Nikolova and Maya Perez are two sweet girls who decided to refresh the humans and thus – help the dogs at our Farm! The kids tried an old and reliable recipe – very appropriate for the summer season.
Making lemonade at home doesn’t take up that much time and the two fairies managed to reach the impressive quantity of 40 liters per square meter, which they sold in cups in the Sofia city center. The goal (to help out our Farmers) has been reached and the kids – satisfied with their achievement came to bring the results directly to the doggies! Well done!
Superb food and many useful things from Gergana and Beat
A huge quantity of food with which to feed the babies (we are full of puppies) were received by our dogs from Tierhilfe Sofia and the amazing Gergana and Beat Senn!
Besides the high-quality kibble, the volunteers and staff got a great tent to keep them from the sun (extremely useful during the weekend walks), chairs, a table and a whole lot of very useful stuff that turned our modest shelter into a place more comfortable for humans and animals! Thank you for your support as always!
The Stotinki Wars at the Anglo-American School
We have told you of the brilliant fund-raising idea that our friends at the Anglo-American School have put to work. It is a simple concept: the kids from Pre-School to 5-th grade get a jar, labeled with their grade. The jars are to be filled with stotinki (pennies). You can only drop coins into other classes’ jars. The goal of each class is that their jar remains the emptiest, by filling other classes’ jars! Thus, the kids at the Anglo-American School raised a total of BGN950 for the doggies at the Farm!
The sweet children at the AASchool have been coming to the shelter regularly for walks with our barking buddies for 3 years in a row now. That is the result of an effort made by the wonderful Richard and Diana Thiele, to whom, unfortunately, Bulgaria has to say goodbye this year. We wish them great happiness and health and thank them for the big efforts and the invaluable help they have given us throughout the years!