Sivcho has friends

Sivcho is a two year old male who lives in the Sofia Krasna Polyana District. The people around love and care for him. One day they found him still and helpless not letting anyone come near him. It took two days for them to figure out he will not get better by himself. Then, they called Ecobalance. They brought Sivcho to us.

We had Sivcho taken to the Central Vet Clinic for x-rays and they revealed a sad picture – Sivcho had both his hid legs broken and needed a 600BGN surgery to walk again. There was not a chance for us to pay that amount – we already owe too much to the good doctors.

Meanwhile we got many calls from the neighborhood – people kept asking us about Sivcho’s condition. We let them know that he couldn’t be operated at the shelter and that there were no money to fic him in an external clinic.

A few hours later they called to promise they would raise the money. Sivcho’s surgery has been successfull. What is more, his friends have found someone who wants to adopt Sivcho (or Stefan or Lisan as he is also known to the people in his neighborhood) and he will never again be out alone.

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