UPDATE: Raffy’s family figured out a way to keep him 🙂
Do you remember sweet Rafaelo? A lovely little dog who was hit by a car and had to have a complicated surgery at the Central Vet clinic. He was rehomed by a wonderful family and has been doing absolutely great. Unfortunately his family is going through a togh time and can’t give him the best of cares anymore. Raffy is looking for a loving home again. Here is what his human mother has to say about him:
“It’s become impossible for us to keep Raffy, please help us find him a good home. He has no breed, but he’s handsome and obedient. He’s 7 months old, has received all the necessary vaccines, anti-parasite treatments, has a microchip and will soon be neutered. We would like to cover his food and vet bills until the end of the year, but we are only going to give him up to a good family who will love him. We have to give him up through no fault of his and we’re so sad to do it. We would be so grateful if his new family allowed us to visit him or take him out for walks every now and then.
Raffy is a good student and very eager to please – he follows instructions like “stop”, “sit” and “stay” (especially before crossing the street or going up/down stairs), also “no”, “here” and “give me your paw”. He still needs some coaching, but he’s definitely very clever. He is very much aware of the zones which are out of bounds for him – doesn’t walk into the kitchen or climb on furniture, he’s careful around our child and doesn’t bully the cats (well, not too much anyway). He’s obedient during walks, we’re now working on the command “by me”, but of course we walk him on a leash as he’s still very curious and wants to sniff every other person and dog. He’s quite happy to be tied up and wait for me when I go into a shop or sit down at the park. He’s playful, like every other pup, but he runs out of steam pretty quickly. He’s kind, has very gentle eyes and it just a generally goofy good-natured dog.”
CONTACT US if you would like to give Raffy a loving, permanent home.