Please, help Bubi live

We realize only a week ago you’ve already helped us for the operations of Stefan and Jorje.

We realize we can’t help everyone.

We realize Bubi is not a breed dog or a sweet puppy with certain future.



We realize Bubi is only a 5-6 years old dog with a broken spine.

We realize spine operations are costy and unsure. We realize she’ll probably never get adopted and even if we manage to find the huge amount for her operation; even if the operation is successful, she willprobably stay in our shelter forever.

We are not stupid, we know it. But without operation, Bubi will die. And despite everything we mentioned, we want Bubi to live. We want to help her. Would you?


We need 1350 levs for her urgent operation. Please, help! Please, donate for Bubi’s life!

Our bank details:


37 Dragan Tzankov blvd, Sofia, BG


IBAN for BGN: BG07FINV91501215999954

IBAN for EUR: BG50FINV91501215999956

BENEFICIARY: A R Sofia Foundation

23 James Bourchier blvd, Sofia, BG

You can also donate via Paypal and Epay or on spot at Central Vet Clinic.


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