Perl is a 5 months old girl, who was found in a cardboard box, when she was about 10 days old. Somebody got rid of her and her 3 siblings before they even can eat by their own. They got into a foster home and the other 3 were happily adopted in Bulgaria.
No one has asked for Perl, because she has a medical problem. Her diagnose is shortage of the growth hormone. Because of that she remain pretty small and walks a bit strange with her back legs. The prognosis are that this is curable. Pelr needs to be injected with so called Porcine Growth Hormone 3 times per week until she is 1.5 years old. Vets told her fosters that she’ll grow up a little bit and the problem with her back paws will disappear. Despite her problem, Perl is a verry happy, joyful and playful girl. Dewormed and vaccinated.