Our team: Bushkata

If you have visited our office, you’ve met our trustful secretary Bushkata.

We think that before she comes to join our team, she used to be a state or municipal clerk. There is no other explanation for her bad attitude toward visitors, compensated by crouching and fawning to the bosses.
Also, she does not hesitate to take bribes. For a piece of sausage, she’d sell us all.
A real state clerk, isn’t she?

Bushi came in “The Farm” with a smashed paw. But it was at the time, we have just bought the place, we had no clinic, no shelter, nothing – only one room, which we used for office, manipulation room and the only warm place for staff and patients.

To make the long story short – Bushkata was such an evil creature, that she started biting the vet, escaped and hid under a desk. We couldn’t take her out, because she would bite anyone approaching. So, we decided to leave her be there. Temporarily.

5 years later, she is still at the same place (which is now an office).

Somewhere on the way, she has stopped biting and became a member of team “Administration”.

But have in mind her vicious past, if you visit us, without her requested bribe.

Photo credit: Ivanka Patterson for Stardust Pictures

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