Doctor Stankova pouring bags of food through the door of one of the closed factory blocks
Kremikotzi has become somewhat of a symbol for everything that happened in Bulgaria in the last 20 years. A grandomanic factory, sucked-out, abandoned, destroyed… seems like it will have a very different future, perhaps this abandoned metal desert will live again. And the dogs? “The hell with the dogs!”.
No can do. We can’t agree. The dogs are also orphans of the metal monster and have a right to live. Thanks to you – the donors of Kremikovtzi, their life has become very different in comparison to what it was just 10 months ago, when we first entered this forsaken ground.
It is thanks to you and the food you are giving them that they have a chance of survival at all. And surviving looks like this to them:
Bringing food to the starving is an excellent thing to do, but without Spay and Neuter the situation at Kremikovtzi will never imporve. That is why we take dogs for neutering on every visit at the shelter. Our Ford has room for 2 crates at the back and those are never empty when the car returns from the factory. The only time we don’t take dogs for neutering is when there is an emergency for a dog at Kremikovtzi and it needs to go to the clinic.
Neutering females is of course our priority. The kind eyes you see below belong to two very sweet ladies who came back with us to the shelter this week. It is much easier to take dogs for neutering now, when they are not in such a horrible state:
It has been 10 months of our work at Kremikovtzi and we visit the dogs 2 times minimum every week. The results are obvious, but the scale is so impossibly huge, that there are surprises waiting for us on every visit – the factory is 25 sqare kilometers large!
This week the new dogs we took from the factory are 4 tiny babies. They were born in one of the closed blocks at the western end. Here are 3 of the quartet:
3 sweet boys who had never met a human, but somehow got a grip of themselves and are slowly becoming people-friendly. The 4-th one, a girl who wants nothing to do with people will be socialised during her treatment and hopefully get the idea that we mean no harm to her. She will, eventually – Vessy is much more stubborn than any stubborn puppy – she can make even a dinosour beg for attention, we are sure of it.
Onse again – thank you for donating for the dogs of Kremikovtzi. Your help saves lives.