Motty – one little foxy

Motty with her sister:



This is Motty. She is a wonderful one and a half year old dog who ends up in Seslavci along with her entire family. Because of a castration problem that her mother had and the need of second surgery Motty and her two sisters have been moved in Bogrov. Nowadays all of them have been adopted except for Motty. A mistake soon to be corrected as I hope, because she is the perfect pet. Unfortunately for more than a year Motty hasn’t been noticed by her Man amongst the 500 dogs inhabiting Bogrov. Although shy at the beginning Motty is actually one very curious, calm, a little uncertain but very sweet and good-hearted little fox. She is the perfect pet for people looking for a calm and gentle dog. With the right people she can as well be very playful. Neutered and vaccinated, Motty is expecting her ticket to freedom in Bogrov.


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