Some of you might recognize the dogs on these photos – they were posted all over Facebook recently with all sorts of “somebody do something” appeals. Animal Rescue Sofia “did something”. Since Wednesday the two boys are stationed at our clinic. But – this doesn’t mean we can now forget about them, that their faith is sealed. The shelter, which relies on volunteers mostly, is financed through donations from friends of animals only.
Here is the situation with the two boys at the moment:
MOMCHIL was seen by the Central Vet Clinic orthopedists. They are not very optimistic, but we will make an effort to save his leg. A special bandage with sugar and iodine is changed every 12 hours on the leg of Momchil, in hope his damaged tissues will come to life. If we do not succeed – he will need to have an amputation.
Momchil is a very good and calm dog – he quietly and gently bares all procedures. A wonderful, kid dog. He is about 2 years old.
BUYAN is a Middle-Asian-Shepherd dog, he is about 4. He has demodex mange in a very advanced phase and is not looking his best at the moment. Buyan will undergo a very long treatment in our shelter’s clinic. He will be well fed, he will get treatment for his skin-illness. He will probably need 4-5 months to recover. We have already started his treatment – he is taking heavy antibiotics, Ivomec and Promeris Duo.
We kindly ask everyone who was touched by these good dogs’ stories – to help, even if it is by a little. You can DONATE for the shelter by bank, PayPal and ePay. You can also donate food, medications and other supplies if you prefer to donate in-kind. Thank you for caring!