Misho is a young boy who got a kennel cough infection in Bogrov. Usually that is something we treat easily in the shelter clinic – kennel cough is just one of the many deseases dogs can transmit in a shelter environment, especially when the cages are as large as the ones we have. But Misho was just admitted to Bogrov – stressed out and very thin, that’s why his infection got complicated and he needed 24 hour care. Polly from the ARS team decided to take him in and Misho is now being treated in her home. That’s no easy task as Polly already had Mitko and Crocky – both of them she found on the street – one had Distemper and the other was hit by a car. Both of them are now well and still looking for homes while they take care of Misho… Good luck to you, Polly&Misho!!!