
The story we’re going to tell is terrifying, and besides that it is not rare, it is often something usual that happens to dogs on the streets… If this happens to a human, this person would definitely not remain gentle, speechless and good, if he at all remains alive.

Dogs have the mind of a 2 year old child. Often, they don’t understand why things are happening, but their instinct for self-preservation keeps them fighting. Imagine a child on the street. Alone, without a parent, without a shelter. The child is silent, never begs for help, never begs for money, it looks for food and warmth on its own and manages to survive on the edge, with whatever it finds. As if this was not enough, someone, who hates the child with its homeless life, decides to shoot it, instead of help it. Injured, it keeps on fighting silently, searching for food, surviving, because it is on this world as everyone else is – it never begged to be born.

As if this was not enough either, a car hits the child while it is crossing the street, breaking its thigh on many places and breaking into pieces its jaw. With last efforts, the child continues its fight for survival. But apparently this is still not enough. The child, without any desire for it, gets pregnant, and its long journey after this final misery is about to end. Until a good hand reaches in a will to help. One hand, after many kicks aside. Being realistic, this child should long have been dead… unless it was a dog. Old dog, not a white fluffy puppy.

This is Mimi, who fought all this, but cannot fight the heartlessness. Mimi had a surgery done, she was neutered. One of her puppies was dead still inside. She went through all this without complaining, without looking for help, she just had the luck to bump into a good person. Mimi is absolutely ready for a home, if not permanent, then at least a foster one. Currently she is in a hotel, dewormed in and outside and healthy, but she can’t stay there long.

If you would life someone to give you all their boundless love, Mimi would never get tired to look for human attention. This good soul would give everything to have a person next to her. If you think you are this person, contact us and help this creature find its happy end.

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