Yet another month passed by and the Bogrov dogs weren’t forgotten by their great friends at LIDL! 400 kilograms of kibble and another 100 kilos of canned were donated. As usual – the canned food will go to the puppies and the dogs that cannot chew so well.
The office got a printer/scanner/fax machine from Georgi Boyadjiev! The invisible part of a shelter’s work are the tons of Documents that we must provide for every dog and procedure. That is a task that takes long hours away from Vessy Kosturska and Kremi Ivanova. This is a great time-saving gift!
Denislava Kostova and Nezabravka Koevska have donated life-saving medications to the shelter’s clinic. We work 365 days a year and provide help for animals that would not have it otherwise. We are always in need of medications and greatly appreciate this help.
Our dog-house campaign continues – 21 lucky dogs got new “apartments” from their friends this month! New, used DIY’s – we will take whatever you’ve got! Houses are always welcomed.
You will find a full list of everything the shelter needs HERE.
To the ARSofia donors from the hundreds of dogs in the shelter – eternal gratitude.
This shelter for the ones most in need wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for your kindness and support, dear friends.