Lovely Alice

Alice (1)

This is Alice – a very friendly and curious young lady with a very sweet disposition and a temperament to melt your heart. Although she is a jolly friend, she does no mischief and is an excellent pet. Alice has perfect hygiene and although she comes from the street – she feels absolutely natural in her foster parent’s apartment.

Alice (2)
First moments at her foster home – Oh, my, this place is weird!

Alice has no problem living with other cats. She loves everything and everyone and finds all around her curious and friendly. She is neutered, microchipped, vaccinated and de-wormed. She is about 7 months old.

Alice (3)
10 minutes later – Aah, on a second thought – I love it!

There is something very special about Alice that words cannot describe. Her fosters are totally in love with her, but 4 cats would be too much for them, so now we have to find Alice people who as kind and caring.

P.S. Alice is so much better looking than this! She has the rarest color for a cat and is as elegant as a leopard!

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