We have introduced you to these doggies – both of them found – one of them at the Vitosha mountain, the other on Botevgradsko road. We were hoping someone would come up for them, but no one ever asked for these two and we didn’t find any ads for them either. Finally – we got the message – these dogs must have been abandoned. Well, we thought, that’s not a tragedy – after all such lovely animals will quickly find people who want them. And we were very right!
The new name of our German Shepherd is Ronnie! The lucky guy won a cozy place in the heart of Monika Koburova. She, on the other hand, decided to reward him with a non-less the cozier spot in her home! Ronnie now has his own house with a garden. He lives inside and is being a good boy! Well done!
This bloody Botevgradsko road! You have no idea how many animals we have picked up at that place – it’s as if the dogs were springing out of the ground… We found this one confused and bedazzled and took her in. She never managed to get used to the life in the shelter – the noise, the crowds, the sounds and lack of privacy were too much for her. Luckily – only a month later the sweet lady found her loving person! She was adopted by Maria Boneva, two days after her birthday! Happy birthday, Maria!