Lolly now in Austria

From being a deaf, sickly young dog with no chance of a future Lolly found a way to happiness thanks to the many people who saw how good she was and did their best for her… She was taken into foster care by our assistant and driver Peter whose family and dogs helped Lolly learn her manners and start to become a real pet. Lolly was treated for her skin desease, thought to walk on a lead and not be affraid of other dogs. She was flourishing and the time came for us to start looking for a home for her.

We made this video to show the world what a wonderful creature Lolly is. Many people liked her, but none was brave enough to take the challenge of adopting a deaf dog. Working with dogs with no hearing is not a simple task. It takes allot of love, patience and care to turn a deaf dog into a perfectly normal pet. Time passed and suddenly – there she was! And her name truly speaks for who she is – Karina, a lady with a pure heart… Lolly left on a beautiful Friday morning. Many tears fell in happiness by Peter’s wife – Jasmina, who became very attached to Lolly during her foster care:

Peter had a chance to give Lolly to Karina himself. His goodbye was no less emotional, while Lolly somehow knew she was going to a good place. It was a warm, loving departure, Lolly got into Karina’s car waving her tail goodbye on her own path to happiness…

Karina will foster Lolly untill a perfect home is found for her in Austria. WE THANK ALL THE LOVELY PEOPLE WHO MADE THIS POSSIBLE!

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