Hurricane Irene

Just as the cyclone she is named after, our little Irene came out of nowhere, with alot of noise and braking our everyday life. Just as any hurricane there was no force strong enough to crush Irene’s will to live and change everything arround her.

The only difference is that our Irene is… a kitten. Not just a kitten, but a baby that has just opened it’s eyes. DOn’t go off imagining some helpless quiet being! Nooo, you should be thinking of hurricanes!

Noone knows how Irene got into a restaurant ventilation pipe, but she shurely didn’t think it was a nice way to leave this world. She spent 3 days making the loudest noise in the neighbourhood, demanding her right to live. For whole 3 days without food, water, mother’s warmth or any defecation, the little fighter got her way.

Thanks to two concerned ladies, who got in touch with us and of course Svetlio’s famous mirror fishing rod for cats she was saved. That didn’t stop her from yelling at our faces the whole journey to the shelter.

Irene is now under the foster care of our fabulous kitty mom – Teddy Kosturska! We truly appreciate her efforts after a night of no sleep, thanks to the little boomblaster. Irene is astounding everyone with her amazing temperament – even at this age and size she is so independant… Her style really explains the saying: “dogs have masters, cats have staff”…

With her being so fast to grow, it will soon be time to find a home for Irene. And that home is somewhere amongst the people reading this post.

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