Pom-bom-booom! What a wonderful news for some long-time acquaintances of yours, some of the most unwanted ones – a group of black cuties, one albino, a moustached lady and our beloved, poor Rex 3. The lucky doggies are already safe and sound in the
ir new Fateland, some of them have already went to their new homes. We can’t even begin to stress the excitement of this outcome for the lovely dogs that have waited for this moment 2 years now.
These indiscernible ladies have been stuck in the shelter ever since they were tiny babies. The reason that such sweet and clever dogs were not rehomed in so long is rather obvious – their dark color and common appearance give them little chance to be noticed amongst hundreds of other animals.
As great as they are Yanny, Fenta, Dunda and Fema have been with us for 2 years, poor Lady maybe even longer. Well, anyways, all cages and loneliness are now a thing of the past for them; it’s all roses and pink skies ahead. Now, please take a look at the photos and tell us – can you distinguish who is who without checking their names? We bet you can’t!
Here are the other two ladies on this trip – Yara and Emma.
Emma is a lady with a wonderful ginger beard, she was found on the street as a tiny dumped baby. Yara was also found, but by us. She was so emaciated that she could be a skeleton-model for an anatomy lesson, it was really, really a scary sight. She quickly became a cuddly, round doggie at the shelter.
But we are perhaps most happy with the rehoming of Mr.Rex the Third. Poor guy lost his loving young owner and became the saddest dog in the world. You can read all about him HERE. Now the most important part is that he will have someone to love and cuddle, just as his loving angel-owner wishes for him from her soft cloud.
Good luck, Rexy!
On the road back from Germany the bus also brought gifts for the dogs that stayed behind. Our regards to Mrs Yvonne Henke, as well as Gergana and Beat Senn who never forget the ones in need.
We are extremely grateful to Mrs Henke not only for finding homes for our poor souls, not only for the food she sent for the rest, but also for taking such a great care of every animal she gets from us. Special regards for Parker, the poor boy with the crooked legs who has been with her since April and already has one leg completely repaired and another waiting for a surgery.
Photo 1: Parker at the shelter – his poor, poor legs
Photo 2: Parker making sad faces during his treatment in Germany
We can only hope that more of our animals be this lucky!