Dear friends, thank you for your kindness – Mimi’s needs have been covered, bless you!
The little one even stood up – happy that she can stand on her feet again, despite the stiches and anaesthetic.
You are trash. That was the sentence of poor little Mimi – a pet dog of about 10 years. Why wuld they need an ill dog anyway – she looks bad, can’t walk… To the trash, that’s where she belongs. That’s where she was found.
We admitted Mimi on an emergency. Even though the shelter is overflowing, even though we have to refuse admission to tens of dogs every day, we couldn’t leave her in the garbage. We grabbed her and her tumor, or should we say – we grabbed her tumor and her and got them straight away to the Central vet clinic for tests.
We couldn’t believe it when the results were in – 0 metastasis – she can be operated… On the moment we took the decision – Mimi’s life does cost the 250BGN (175E) her surgery costs. She will make it, just as she has made it through all the hardship already.
We didn’t leave her in the trash. Mimi was operated by d-r Vassilev today and the surgery was successful.
Now comes the hard part: to raise the money for her operation.
Mimi beleaves in you, dear friends – she is sure that of all the people who will read this story, 25 kind people will be found to donate 5E for her life. If you are one of them, please DONATE FOR MIMI. She will be grateful to you for all her long, happy life!