From Holland with love

As you know, the Bogrov shelter hosts not only Bulgarian volunteers, but also people from other countries. This month we had people coming over from Italy, Belgium and Holland! It is about our 4 wonderful Dutch friends that we will tell you about today.

Meet Maria Jansen and Felicity Barnett – two wonderful veterinary medicine students. The girls came to live and work voluntarily in Bulgaria for a while, helping the doctors at the Bogrvo shelter by assisting in Spay/Neuter surgeries and treatments. This is a good opportunity for the young Dutch vets to gain experience and in the same time help the ones most in need – a wonderful idea that is sadly not shared by their fellow students from the 2 veterinary faculties in Bulgaria.

We meet many and wonderful volunteers. Only this time, together with Maria and Felicity we also waved goodbye to two of our sweet animals. Doggies Sivcho and Rory were adopted by the girls and went home with them!

Roro is a boy who grew up at the shelter; we took him in as a little abandoned puppy. Today he is 2 years old, but amazingly – he never managed to become a part of the big Bogrovian dog family, not a single dog wanted to bond with him closely and Roro remained an outsider in his group. This fact seemed so sad to Felicity that she quickly turned all her attention to him, whilst he immedeatley and desperately fell in love with her.

Maria found herself another sticky boy. Sivcho (Gray) is a 30kg large boy who is with us for the second time. His throat had been cut. A wonderful, calm dog – why would someone hurt him? We don’t have an answer to that, but it was clear that it would be a great risk to put him back outside in the same spot. So he lingered in the overcrowded shelter, in the corridor, to be exact – as a result of the total lack of space. This way he got the chance to meet and stick to Maria, following her around like a shadow, being a perfect friend until her heat melted completely…

The two boys and their fabulous new owners are already safe and sound in the land of tulips, where they will be greatly loved and spoiled for long, happy years in the hands of the talented young veterinarians.

Our other guests from Holland – doctor Robert van Goor and his wonderful friend Nick were also quite the event at the shelter. This is the second time Robert visits us, he was here in the beginning of the year and promised to spend his summer vacation helping us at the shelter. And so he did!

Together with his kind friend Robert stayed and worked with us, helping our doctors to neuter many animals, treating, walking and even cleaning after the many dogs in the clinic! And Nick didn’t stay empty-handed as well – constantly finding useful things to do around the surgery and exam rooms – no questions or complaints, just because he loves animals so much.

Every day we tell each other – we are truly blessed to meet so many wonderful people in our work! People like Maria, Felicity, Robert, Nick and you  – the donors and volunteers that help us make little miracles every single day!

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