Four Trees

The question is not even “Who?” took care of them, until they got sick, and then abandoned them on the street.

The question is not even “Why?”

For us the main question about Lime, Birch, Morello and Pine is “How?”.

How do you betray someone for whom you are the whole world?

How do you sleep at night when you know that those who love you more than anything can’t fall asleep from fear and hunger on the street?

And when the question “How?” was related to us, it already had a different meaning:

How to find a place in the overcrowded clinic, so that we can admit Lime, Birch, Morello and Pine for treatment?

(We temporarily moved the cats to the changing room and could thus place the four dogs in the cats’ room).


How to find resources for their treatment, while we’re still in huge debts?

We don’t know the answer to this question.

Each one of the four dogs was clinically examined and tested, so that we could find the following:

– Lime and Pine have heartworm and anaplasmosis;

– Morello, Birch and Pine have hypothyroidism;

– All four of them have skin conditions.

The expenses at the beginning – for laboratory tests, vaccines, microchips, diagnostic tests, etc – were covered completely by the lady that found them in her neighborhood and brought them to us.


However, to provide the treatment that will last long, we will need your help.

Although they are not young (especially the two respectable old ladies – Lime and Morello), they have a chance to be treated and live a little longer.

This time with people who care.


This time with people who care.

People who do not abandon. People who love truly.

Can you be those people, dear friends?


You can donate for Lime, Birch, Morello and Pine in one of the following ways:

By bank account:


IBAN in BGN: BG07FINV91501215999954

IBAN in EUR: BG50FINV91501215999956

Beneficiary: AR Sofia Foundation


Epay: KIN: 2326683315

Via SMS at 17 777 with text DMS DOG (for Telenor, Vivacom and А1 service users) with a donation of 1, 2 or 5 leva.


Thank you!

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