E.T. went home!

Hurray and congratulations to sweet young Plamena who adopted her new, true, wonderful best friend from the shelter! Dear Plamy, these friends are the bestest, you have made a wise choice  and you came to the right place!

We are very happy to part with our sweet, kind, silly E.T. – he will be so happy! We thank his new family for having him, especially Nadia Radkovska, It is so wonderful that the boy will be near. They got the lucky 333 number – he is the 333-rd dog we have rehomed locally, in Bulgaria.

Only one of our “calendar girls” remains at the shelter – it is the good girl Matilda. All the other dogs from the 2012 calendar have gone home! We still have a few months to “fix” Matilda, after all – she is Miss December. We have promised all of our models that they will be in their own, soft, comfortable beds until their calendar has expired. And so it will be!

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