Disinfectants from Royal Clean

Some very serious disinfectants were donated to the shelter by the fabulous team of Royal Clean! We are very grateful for this wonderful gift! Disinfection is a very serious expenditure at the shelter that cannot be skipped – with so many animals passing through mass infection is only a step away.

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Seeing poo in the outside enclosures some people think that the shelter is not being cleaned often enough. Dear people, dogs that eat well – poo! It is normal when you have 20 dogs living in a cage – not all of them poop at the same time, especially having in mind that food is constantly available to them. So – don’t be surprised to see poop in the cage yards – this is what they are for. The shelter is cleaned every single day and to be exact – cleaning is the largest part of the work we must do to maintain Bogrov.

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With so many animals, most of which come in sick, good disinfection is not only necessary, but a must. In the small building that houses our clinic we clean three times a day. Each quarantine block and each cell in it, have separate cleaning sets – a bucket, mop and disinfection basins; as well as the surgery, ambulatory and hospital rooms. This is not a whim, but a necessity – we are the only shelter in the city that admits puppies, we neuter hundreds of dogs every month; we have tens of ill animals that come in for treatment… we have huge quantities of animals coming from all sorts of backgrounds.

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For all these reasons we are very grateful to Royal Clean for the donation! Here in the photos the tubes don’t look that impressive, but – they are concentrated and are actually a whole lot! Great!

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