

Chichi has been living in the personnel brake-room for the past month and managed to become everyone’s favorite in this time. Every person that goes in the room brings her a snack, she is such a funny and kind puppy. Chichi arrived at the shelter with 2 siblings – dumped babies all of them ill with parvovirosis. The boys didn’t make it, but she did.

Chichi’s leg had no sensibility when she arrived. The diagnosis: a paralysis of the nerve. Just like what Raffael has, but only in her case – she knows not how to protect her leg, she keeps dragging it on the ground and hitting it in every obstacle.

We started her on Nivaline the moment she arrived, hoping there is a chance to recover the nerve. Meanwhile we treated her for the parvovirus and she made it through the treatment. Unfortunately – the leg was beyond salvation. There were only more and more bruises, scratches and wounds on it.

Before and After:


Chichi is one of the dogs for whom we asked for help. When the needed sum for her operation was raised, we took her for amputation of her leg. Today, two weeks later, Chichi feels wonderful thanks to all of you who helped her. So it’s about time to find her a home!

This little beauty is full of energy and doesn’t even pay attention to her missing leg. Like every puppy she loves teasing the shelter’s personnel, gnaws her toy, and spies out the ground in her room. If you decide to cuddle her or to caress her, she feels the happiest in the world. She will thank you for your attention with a few kisses and after that will fall asleep in your warm hug. If you have recognized your puppy and want to adopt Chichi, please contact us!


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