The cat heroes we will present to you are of all ages. Each of them has their own stories but all of them are united by the same – they are looking for people with big hearts who will give them all the love and care and cozy home where they will forget the suffering from the past. We are looking for those special people who have no prejudice and are ready to open their hearts for our kittens and cats.
Chicko and Mirko are two wonderful brothers, 7 years old. They are rescued stray cats, found by their owner when they were just a few months old. Few days ago their owner died and they lost the person who loved them and cared for them during all the years they were together. If you look at their picture, you can see how sad they are at the moment, grieving for their owner. Chicko and Mirko are incredible, charming and very calm cats. We are looking for new owners for them. They are neutered and vaccinated. They are brothers, but it is ok if they are adopted separately, if necessary.
Missy is a beautiful loving cat that recently lost her owner. She is about 8 years old. Missy was found in the street in a very bad health condition. After a lifesaving surgery Missy recovered really fast and up to now she was living happily with her owner. She loves people and her favorite thing is to cuddle and sleep near her beloved fosters. She doesn’t like other cats too much. At the moment she is living with three other cats in a foster family. We are looking for cosy warm home for her, where people will love and cherish her. She is vaccinated and neutered.
Tommy is a young 3 years old cat. He was found at Lyulin’s market when he was only two months old, in September 2011. He was with a broken leg and very sick. After he recovered completely, he was adopted by a nice lady that cares for him and loves him with all her heart. However, at her home there are problems with her son who is torturing Tommy. The lady does not have enough money to care properly for Tommy. She asked us for help to find a new home for the young cat where he will feel happier and will forget the torture and the violence. Tommy is neutered and vaccinated. He is very clever and calm.
Symba is our little big hero who now lives his life as a kitten with three legs. He is only 4 months old but he has already experienced a huge drama in his life. He was found in a cold night in December crying near a block. His rescuers immediately reacted and succeeded to catch the little furry ball that was crying in pain. When they brought him to a veterinary clinic, the vets found a very bad wound on one of his front legs that looked infected. They immediately began treatment for the infection but Symba’s condition was getting worse every day. The only way to save his life was by amputating the infected leg. Fortunately, after the operation Symba’s condition began to improve very fast. The young kitten is at a foster family right now. He has recovered completely from the surgery and now he behaves as every normal kitten 4 months old. He is active, playful, very loving and charming. Symba’s disability does not affect his quality of life. He is a little happy furry ball that will grab your heart the moment you see him.
Almy is a 4 months old charming kitten that was rescued from the street. He was found with bad infection in his tail that left him without half of his tail. He is healthy, active and loves being around people. His nickname is “Dushko” (“Sweety”).
PanayotCho and PaskalCho (Pancho and Pako) are two very smart, active and wonderful brothers. They are about 5-6 months old. They were found together with two other siblings when they were just a few days old. Their foster mom found them dumped in a plastic bag. She started caring for them and did her best to help them survive and grow up even without their mom-cat. All 4 kittens survived and became wonderful young cats. Two are happily adopted. Now Pancho and Pako are looking for loving and caring families.