And the story continues with Puppy who is the last dog adopted on Krastovden. As we already told you the other lucky dogs that day were Jessy, Kelly and Helly for who you can read here.
Mecho – a.k.a Puppy
Puppy is a kind-hearted cheerful dog. From now on he’ll be known as Mecho and will have the opportunity for a wild and happy life with his person – Jordan Pashov.
Lucky and Molly as babies
And the adoptions continued after Krastovden. May be you remember about two sister puppies that were found on the way to the airport. When we first wrote you about them we were urgently looking for foster home. Today those two are very lucky girls – they will both live in Sofia in houses with big yard.
Lucky Molly
One of the sisters was adopted by Blajevy family and got the name Lucky. The other one – Molly was adopted by Nathalie Persoons and Jean-Luc Beirlant. You already know them as they already adopted another dog from the shelter – Rex.
One of the tiniest babies in the shelter – named by Sarah, was adopted by Borislav Vampirov and his family. They liked Sarah as even smaller baby but had to wait until she is ready for adoption. That period is over and now this beauty is enjoying her new life at home.
To end this fairytale we will tell you about Nikolai Simeonov and his family who adopted Joro. Joro is a great and cheerful boy who spent two years in the shelter – he came to us when he was 3-months old. He won the hearts of his family with his bright character. He’ll go through many new experiences with them.
That is how our story ends. We hope for many more like this!