Archie in the New World

Do you know what it is to love a dog that bites spontaneously and without warning? To have a baby, to have to give it up to your parents and see them constantly bitten? It’s hard. Really hard. So, we ask you, have some mercy on Archie’s first owners, because he didn’t have any.

Archie had a serious biting history when he arrived in the shelter. The only person here that could handle him was Dimka – a keeper who has a lot of experience with grumpy animals, someone who had the patience to take his collar on and off for 10 minutes, while he was trying to eat her alive… We had to put him in isolation, chained to a dog house (where Grant is being immobilized now for his heartworm treatment), lonely and sad.

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Archie spent months like this. No friends, no future, a desperate chained life, at the corner of a crowded shelter, from which – to be honest – dogs like him rarely get to go home. But it wasn’t his destiny. Somehow, somewhere on the Internet a photo of him came to the attention of Diana – a |Bulgarian in the US, who has a female cocker spaniel with similar issues. She wrote to us, we replied, but we didn’t expect anything to happen… instead she came all the way from Las Vegas to meet him, to look him in the eyes and promise him love and happiness.

We won’t tell you all about the insane logistics Diana had to push through so that Archie can reach her. All the nerves, the organizing, the money, the people, the documents, the journey it took… For our desperate biter, the “aggressive dog” from the corner of the Farm.

We write all this not even to thank Diana – it’s not exactly gratitude that we feel for her… We are amazed, she has our full respect! We publish this for everyone who knew Archie, who felt sad or frightened by him – so they can see what it is to be welcomed with opened arms, to be allowed to show your good side, to be a new dog, if you like…

We show you Archie today, the way he was allowed to be thanks to the love of Diana in the New World. Free, joyful, good and HAPPY:

Farewell, Archie!
Our sincere respect and warmest hugs for all the adopters who allow the most difficult dogs to show their true quality!

Happy Holidays to everyone from Diana’s girl:


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