After you helped them

Thank you, dear friends, for helping them! Thanks to you, we’ve managed to pay for their operations!

Even so soon, after the surgery, Tyra’s legs look much better! We need to keep her calm for a while and shouldn’t  let her jump and run, but very soon she will be as good as new!





Sergeant Matzoli’s operation was harder and for now we keep him under medications all the time and feed him through a sonda. He lost one eye, but not his spirit! For him the worst part is gone and we really can’t wait to see him recovered!

Buzanka’s bracers are ordered, we can’t wait them to arrive and see her like a robocop:)

One more time we thank to all of you, their angels and their vets – D-r Vassilev and D-r Zlatinov from Central vet clinic!

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