A miracle!

Who said miracles don’t happen? Since we have started our work, every day proves miracles happen – everyone of you, our supporters and volunteers, adopters and  donors is a miracle. Everyone of our animals – doggies and kittens – is a miracle!
Every saved life, every happily rehomed animal, every wagging tale during a walk – it is a miracle.
Together, dear friends, we create miracles every single day!

We dream about the day when we can make a separate little house for dogs 10+ years old. There will be no cages, but rooms with sofas, where our oldies could spend their last years calm and relaxed, with no worries and noise; and a small yard, where they can gather sunshine… And where people will drink tea and coffee, surrounded by the love of mature animals…

This is what we dream for the elders,  not because we don’t want the younger ones to live a wonderful life, but because for everyone else “The Farm” is just a temporary stop, before the real home. For the elders, though, “The Farm” is a forever home. Old dogs don’t get adopted. Especially the ones, who cannot travel thousands of kilometers to reach the bright future abroad…

Yes, because miracles happen, we know that one day we’ll have this little fancy house for them. Meanwhile, miracles keep on happening!

Ladies and gentlemen, here we present you  Lambi. He is about 14-15 years old and is with us from the beginning – we took him from the Municipal shelter in Seslavtzi in 2010. He has a sick heart and takes handfull of pills every single day. He is probably one of the dogs, which will not survive to see our dreamhouse for oldies…

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And he doesn’t need to! Yestreday, dear friends, Lambi was adopted! See? Miracles happen!

After 10 years on the streets – hungry and in danger all the time; after 4 years in a shelter, now he will spend the sunset of his life in a real home and for a first time, he will have his own people!

Warm regards to Katherina Sallis, who chose Grandpa Lambi for her best friend! God Bless you, dear Katherina! And thank you, for being the miracle for Lambi!


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